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Company Code:3122210335 HS Code:23050000 Shipment Date:Jul 2004
Company Type:State Owned Quantity:15,750,000KG Transportation Mode:Water
COFCO SHANGHAI IMPORT EXPORT COMPANY: 2305:Oil-Cake and other solid residues, resulting form the extraction of groundnut oil Custom District:Qingdao
6TH FLOOR FRAGON MANSION 1088 LIYANG ROAD SHANGHAI CHINA 23050000:Oil - cake other solid residues, of groundnut oil Country / Region of Origin:China
CHINA Postal Code:200120 Country / Region of Consignment:India
Tel:021 50367866 Country / Region of Destination:India
Contact:SUN QUN
Fax:021 - 5666668
Location of Domestic Consumption:Guangdong Province, Shunde (44229)
Custom Regime:Ordinary Trade
Company Code:4408961001 HS Code:23064900 Shipment Date:May 2004
Company Type:Private Quantity:14, 200, 000KG Transportation Mode:Water
GUANGDONG HENG XINGYIXING CITY YUAN HONG IMP EXP CO LTD: 2306:Oil-Cake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, other than those of heading No. 23.04 or 23.05 Custom District:Zhanjiang
CHINA Postal Code :524094 23064900:Oil - Cake other solid residues of other rape or colza seeds Country / Region of Origin:China
Tel:0759 3303333 Country / Region of Consignment:India
Contact:CHEN DAN Country / Region of Destination:India
Location of Domestic Consumption:Guangdong Province, Zhanjiang (44089)
Custom Regime:Ordinary Trade
Company Code :3301540008 HS Code :84716011
Company Type :Foreign Owned Quantity :90,803N/ST Shipment Date :Mar 2004
TOSHIBA INFORMATION MACHINERY (HANGZHOU) CO LTD: 8471 :Automatic data processing machines units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines Transportation Mode :Air
CHINA Postal Code :310018 84716011 :Displays, with liquid crystal display panel Customs District :Hangzhou
Tel :0571 88210992 Country/Region of Origin :China
Contact : Country/Region of Consignment :Korea Rep
Fax: Country/Region of Destination:Korea Rep
Location of Domestic Consumption :Xiamen Bonded Area (35024)
Customs Regime:Processing with Imported Materials
Company Code:1102919102 HS Code:23050000 Shipment Date:Jan 2004
Company Type:State Owned Quantity:15,560,229KG Transportation Mode:Water
CHINA GRAINS OILS GROUP CO: 2305:Oil - Cake and other solid residues, resulting form the extraction of groundnut oil Custom District:Huangpu
NO45 FUXINGMENNEI ST XICHENG DISTRICT BEIJING CITY 23050000:Oil - Cake other solid residues, of groundnut oil Country / Region of Origin:China
CHINA Postal Code:100036 Country / Region of Consignment:India
Tel:88518866 6361 Country / Region of Destination:India
Location of Domestic Consumption:Beijing, Xicheng District (110029)
Custom Regime:Ordinary Trade
Company Code :3502440268 Shipment Date :Dec 2004
Company Type :Foreign Owned HS Code :84716011 Transportation Mode :Road
DATONG COMMODITY CIRCULATION (XIAMEN) CO. LTD.: Quantity :36,160N/ST Customs District :Xiamen
4B, PROCESSING BUILDING F, XIANG YU BONDED AREA, XIAMEN 8471 :Automatic data processing machines units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines Country/Region of Origin :China
CHINA Postal Code :361006 84716011 :Displays, with liquid crystal display panel Country/Region of Consignment :Hong Kong
Tel :1380 6080498 Country/Region of Destination:Hong Kong
Customs Regime : Enter pot Trade by Bonded Area
Company Code:3122210335 HS Code:23064900 Shipment Date:Jun 2004
Company Type:State Owned Quantity:13, 891, 989KG Transportation Mode:Water
COFCO SHANGHAI IMPORT EXPORT COMPANY: 2306:Oil - Cake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, other than those of heading No. 23.04 or 23.05 Custom District:Huangpu
6TH FLOOR DRAGON MANSION 1088 LIYANG ROAD SHANGHAI CHINA 23064900:Oil - Cake other solid residues of other rape or colza seeds Country / Region of Origin:China
CHINA Postal Code :200120 Country / Region of Consignment:India
Tel:021 50367866 Country / Region of Destination:India
Contact:SUN QUN
Fax:021 - 5666668
Location of Domestic Consumption:Guangdong province, Foshan (44069)
Custom Regime:Ordinary Trade
Company Code :3502440257 Shipment Date :Dec 2004
Company Type :Foreign Owned HS Code :84716011 Transportation Mode :Air
XIAMEN BAX GLOBAL WAREHOUSING CO., LTD. Quantity :33,446N/ST Customs District :Xiamen
E OF COMPREHENSIVE BUILDING OF WAREHOUSE PROCTESSING XIANGYU XIAMEN 8471 : Automatic data processing machines units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines Country/Region of Origin :China
CHINA Postal Code :361006 84716011 : Displays, with liquid crystal display panel Country/Region of Consignment :Korea Rep
Tel :0592 5658131 Country/Region of Destination:Korea Rep
Contact :F.
Fax :0592-5622171
Location of Domestic Consumption :Xiamen Bonded Area (35024)
Customs Regime :Enter pot Trade by Bonded Area
Company Code :3122430269 HS Code :39012000 Shipment Date :Mar 2005
Company Type :Joint Capital Quantity :6,732,000KG Transportation Mode :Water
SHANGHAI GAOSIN TRADING WAREHOUSING INDUSTRIAL CO 3901: Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms Customs District :Shanghai
PUDONG WAHGAOQIAO THREE TRADE ZONE D3-006 GAOSIN C 39012000 : Polyethylene having a specific gravity=0.94, in primary forms Country/Region of Origin :China
CHINA Postal Code :200131 Country/Region of Consignment :Saudi Arabia
Tel :021 63283640 Country/Region of Destination:Saudi Arabia
Contact :DAI PEI MIN
Fax :
Email :
Location of Domestic Consumption :Shanghai Waigaoqiao Bonded Area (31224)
Customs Regime :Enter pot Trade by Bonded Area
Company Code :1207235597 HS Code :84716011 Shipment Date :Feb 2004
Company Type :Joint Capital Quantity :31,896N/ST Transportation Mode :Air
TIANJIN SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS DISPLAY CO.,LTD. 8471: Automatic data processing machines units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines Customs District :Tianjin
WEISI RD.MICRO-ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIAL PARK XIQING DISTRICT TIANJIN 84716011: Displays, with liquid crystal display panel Country/Region of Origin :China
CHINA Postal Code :300457 Country/Region of Consignment :Hong Kong
Tel :022 24556242 Country/Region of Destination:Hong Kong
Fax :022 24558045
Email :
Location of Domestic Consumption :Tianjin Economic Technical Development Area(12072)
Customs Regime :Ordinary Trade
Company Code :3109919902 HS Code :29173610 Shipment Date :Apr 2005
Company Type :State Owned Quantity :4,000,000KG Transportation Mode :Water
CHINA FOREIGN SHIPPING QIANTANY CO 2917: Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their derivatives Customs District :Shanghai
F9-11 NO.358 HAINING ROAD,SHANGHAI 29173610 : Terephthalic acid Country/Region of Origin :China
CHINA Postal Code :200080 Country/Region of Consignment :Saudi Arabia
Tel :021 63249988 Country/Region of Destination:Saudi Arabia
Contact :Song Li Min
Fax :021 63248625
Email :
Location of Domestic Consumption :Shanghai, Hongkou (31099)
Customs Regime :Customs Warehousing Trade
Company Code :1105919057 HS Code :29173610 Shipment Date :Jul 2005
Company Type :State Owned Quantity :3,000,000KG Transportation Mode :Water
CHINA PETROCHEMICAL LINTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. 2917: Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their derivatives Customs District :Nanjing
ANLI ST. 66 CHANGYANG DISTRICT BEIJING 29173610 :Terephthalic acid Country/Region of Origin :China
CHINA Postal Code :100101 Country/Region of Consignment :Saudi Arabia
Tel :010 64906398 Country/Region of Destination:Saudi Arabia
Fax :010-64216972
Email :
Location of Domestic Consumption :Jiangsu Province, Yizheng (32139)
Customs Regime :Processing with Imported Materials
Company Code : 3302910017 Company Type : State Owned Quantity : 2,062,000KG Shipment Date : Jun 2005
SINOCHEM NINGBO IMP.£Â¦EXP.CO.,LTD. HS Code : 39012000 Transportation Mode : Water
9-12/F HUALIAN BLDG.21 JIANGXIA ST.NINGBO CHINA 3901: Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms Customs District : Ningbo
CHINA Postal Code : 315000 39012000 : Polyethylene having a specific gravity>=0.94, in primary forms Country/Region of Origin : China
Tel : 0574 7348868 Country/Region of Consignment : India
Contact : XU BAO REN Country/Region of Destination : India
Fax :0574-87366775
Email :
Location of Domestic Consumption : Zhejiang Province, Ningbo (33029)
Customs Regime : Ordinary Trade
Company Code : 4422930920 HS Code : 32041600 Shipment Date : Feb 2004
Company Type : Joint Capital Quantity : 155,000KG Transportation Mode : Water
SHUNDE CITY BAO SHENG DYESTUFF CO LTD 3204: Synthetic organic colouring matter; preparations Customs District : Guangzhou
TAN CUN INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT PARK, thereon; synthetic organic products, etc. Country/Region of Origin :China
CHEN CUN TOWN, SHUN DE CITY, GUANG 32041600 : Reactive dyes & preparations based thereon Country/Region of Consignment : Hong Kong
DONG PROVINCE Country/Region of Destination: Hong Kong
CHINA Postal Code : 528300
Tel : 0757 23315500
Fax:0757 3312575
Contact : HE SHANQI
Customs Regime : Processing with Imported Materials
Location of Domestic Consumption : Guangdong
Province, Shunde (44229)
Company Code : 3122260400 HS Code : 32041600 Shipment Date : Mar 2004
Company Type : Private Quantity : 96,800KG Transportation Mode : Water
SHANGHAI AOLIAN IMP & EXP TRADE CO LTD 3204 : Synthetic organic colouring matter; preparations thereon; synthetic organic products, etc. Customs District : Shanghai
CHINA Postal Code : 201204 32041600 : Reactive dyes & preparations based thereon Country/Region of Origin :China
Tel : 021 58660135 Country/Region of Consignment : Korea Rep
Fax: Country/Region of Destination: Korea Rep
Contact :
Customs Regime : Ordinary Trade
Location of Domestic Consumption : Shanghai New Pudong Area (31222)
Company Code : 3303950002 HS Code : 59032020 Shipment Date : Jun 2006
Company Type : Collective Quantity : 180KG Transportation Mode : Air
WENZHOU ARTS & CRAFTS CO., LTD. 5903 Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, excl. heading 59.02 Customs District : Shanghai
NO.494 JIEFANG RD (S) WENZHOU CHINA 59032020 Textile imitation leather treated with polyurethane Country/Region of Origin : CHINA
CHINA Postal Code : 325000 Country/Region of Destination: India
Tel : 0577 88229676
Customs Regime : Ordinary Trade
Location of Domestic Production: Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou (33039)
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