
Legal Entity Identifier

Same Day LEI Renewal ! LEI Renewal with Transfer in 7 days. The Fastest LEI Service Provider in India.
We Support All Company Types in India

₹ 5,015 / 1 year

₹ 5,015 / year


Included 18% GST
AppLy For an LEI

₹ 8,378 / 2 year

₹ 4,189 / year

New application & Renewal for next 1 year

Included 18% GST
AppLy For an LEI

₹ 11,505 / 3 year

₹ 3,835 / year

New application & Renewal for next 2 years

Included 18% GST
AppLy For an LEI

₹ 14,573 / 4 year

₹ 3,643 / year

New application & Renewal for next 3 years

Included 18% GST
AppLy For an LEI

₹ 17,405 / 5 year

₹ 3,481 / year

New application & Renewal for 4 years

Included 18% GST
AppLy For an LEI
-- Why is a Legal Entity Identifier required for my organization? --

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a global reference number that uniquely identifies every legal entity or structure that is party to a financial transaction, in any jurisdiction. LEIL will assign LEIs to any legal identity including but not limited to all intermediary institutions, banks, mutual funds, partnership companies, trusts, holdings, special purpose vehicles, asset management companies and all other institutions being parties to financial transactions.

LEI will be assigned on application from the legal entity and after due validation of data. For the organization, LEI will

Serve as a proof of identity for a
financial entity
Help to abide by regulatory
Facilitate transaction reporting to
Trade Repositories
-- What is the LEI code? --

The structure of the global LEI is determined in detail by ISO Standard 17442 and takes into account Financial Stability Board (FSB) stipulations.

LEI Code LEI Code
-- LEIL as an LOU --

The parent Company CCIL, offers a host of services that enables trading on sophisticated Trading Platforms, reporting trades to a comprehensive Trade Repository, settle the trades on a guaranteed basis through its CCP services and enjoy a range of post-trade services. At every stage, the LEI will be a useful value-addition. LEIL uses its parent company’s expertise in trading, reporting and settlement engines to bring to you LEI web portal that provides a number of benefits:

Self Registration
Self Registration

Set yourself up quickly and simply

Advanced Search and Filter
Advanced search and filter including foreign LEIs

Helps you find the information you need quickly


Assists with the proactive maintenance of entity data

Easy to use interface

User Guide, FAQs and very little training required

Accuracy and reliability

Rigorous duplicate check from consolidated database from other LOUs.

Renewal cost of the Legal Entity Identifier from ₹ 3380 (₹ 4350 for 1 year).

Type of Entity Documents to be Uploaded
PAN card is mandatory with supporting documents
Registration ID
Private Limited/LLP/Limited Certificate of Incorporation / GST Certificate / IEC Certificate CIN / LLPIN / GSTN / IEC Code
Trust Trust Deed and Board Resolution/ GST Certificate/ NGO Darpan Certificate/ PAN Card GSTN/ NGO Darpan Unique ID
Proprietorship IEC Certificate/ GST Certificate/ Udyam Registration Certificate/ PAN Card – Any 2 IEC CODE/ GSTN/ Udyam Registration Number
Bank GST Certificate/ Board resolution/ Registration Certificate/ PAN Card GSTN
Partnership IEC Certificate/ GST Certificate/ Partnership Deed/ Udyam Registration Certificate/ PAN Card – Any 2 IEC CODE/ GSTN/ Udyam Registration Number
Fund Board Resolution and Trust Deed/ PAN Card -
NGO, Society, Foundation NGO Darpan Certificate/ PAN Card NGO Darpan Unique ID

Others: Any document proving the entity name, entity address and authorised signatory name will suffice